Our devices:
Manufacturer of animal stunning equipment – KOMA
Since the beginning of our company, we have been manufacturing equipment for the meat industry. We first started producing animal stunning equipment in 1990.
The first models marked STZ, and later STZ 2, found their way to a significant number of slaughterhouses in Poland. The initial designs, although uncomplicated – they consisted only of a voltage-reducing transformer – worked very well. Over the years, with changing legislation in Poland and subsequent EU directives setting a new standard, we had to adapt our production to current requirements. We therefore introduced newer models of equipment, among which were: STZ 3, STZ 4 and STZ 5.
The cooperation of qualified electricians, IT specialists, many years of experience and our own technologies and designs allowed us to launch our latest model STZ 6, which is much more complex and in no way resembles its prototypes.
The STZ 6 is a modern, high-tech device with a built-in DVR and memory card. The device is designed not only for stunning pigs, but also poultry, cattle, rabbits, sheep and fish.
Currently, our products are distributed not only in Poland, but also in the European Union, Kazakhstan, Russia and Georgia. Our equipment complies with the Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009.
Contact us
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +48 683273307 ex. 6
Mail: koma@koma.zgora.pl
Tel: 789 346 889 / +48 683273307 ex. 2
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 510 817 177 / +48 683273307 ex. 1
Tel: +48 697722404 / +48 683273307 ex. 3

ISO 9001:2015 certification
The Quality Management System mobilises us to continuously improve our products and services. The level of customer satisfaction is a priority for us, so we strive to provide them with products that meet their expectations and are tailored to their needs.

30 years of experience
Over such a long period of time, we have ensured that our products are characterised by durability, quality, modernity and aesthetics.

ISO 14001:2015 certification
We are aware of the environmental constraints associated with our activities and are committed to the rational use of the planet's natural resources.